Issues applying textures => the problems that you described are probably related with your computer video card. Sometimes, video cards that are good for games are not good for rendering.
In the new Punch versions (like V20), we have a solution for this issue => try this: in your Punch program => Go to => Edit => Preferences => System => Graphics => Hardware Acceleration. By default, the level of the accelerations is "Full" => Move the control to the center and see if your issue is solved. If not, move the control to the left (None) => check if your issue is solved.
In addition, there are few tricks to apply the textures
1 - Try to set the position of the little man close to the surface you wish to apply texture or color, however, you don't need to be on the floor to texture a floor, for example. If there are not interferences, you can even apply a texture from the chopper.
2 - If the element elevation is under the 0.00" level => the little man elevation must be also below the 0.00" level.
3 - Doors and windows => apply the color / texture on the surfaces parallel with the wall where the door / window is installed.